The Mid-Atlantic Coastal Acidification Network (MACAN)
seeks to answer basic questions about the intensity, frequency, and location of acidification events. MACAN seeks to understand the causes of those events, whether from atmospheric sources of carbon, land based pollution, or something else. MACAN also works to educate managers, elected officials, industry representatives, and the public about solutions to reduce those sources of acidification. MACAN can be a starting point to work together towards data driven answers to tough acidification questions.
The quickly rising levels of carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere are leading to ocean acidification (OA), as the oceans absorb this excess CO2. Global ocean pH has declined by about 0.1 units since pre-industrial times, representing an increase in acidity of about 30 percent. The Mid-Atlantic may be especially vulnerable to acidification in coastal waters, where high nutrient levels and rapid growth of plankton further reduce pH. OA causes organisms to expend more energy to regulate their body chemistry and reduces the availability of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), which corals, clams, oysters, lobsters, and other species require to build and maintain shells and skeletons. As a result, OA could have important effects on numerous culturally and commercially important species in the region.
MACAN’s New Educational Video Series
View our four-part series covering coastal and ocean acidification impacts and solutions in the Mid-Atlantic
March 26 Webinar to Examine Coastal Acidification & Harmful Dinoflagellate Blooms
Click here for registration and details on talk featuring Christopher Gobler, Ph.D.
WATCH: Responsible Deployment of mCDR: Case Studies & Community Insights
Click here to view a recording of MACAN's Feb. 21 webinar
Highlights from MACAN's 2024 Fellowship Projects
Click here to watch the Nov. 15 webinar covering the accomplishments of three MACAN fellows
Coastal Acidification in the Classroom: A Module for the Mid-Atlantic
Visit our blog to download this tool for educators
Shipwrecks, Oyster Middens & Artifacts
Download this hands-on lesson on ocean acidification for high school students
NOTE TO USERS: Sharing information is an important role that MACAN plays in the region. However, any resources shared from members on this site does not indicate endorsement by the entities coordinating MACAN or those on its Steering Committee.